What is reiki?
This question could be pondered for a lifetime, and we would still only scratch the surface.
Asking, 'What is Reiki?' is like asking,
What is life, What is God, What is light, What is love, What is existence? WHO AM I? -
The path of Reiki is infinite and abundant. Turning our attention to the translation of the word Reiki itself can provide a lot of insight into the true meaning of Reiki.
The word Reiki can be translated as:
REI: Spiritual, True, Soul, Universal, Divine, Mysterious
KI: Energy, Nature, Essence, Life Force, Consciousness, Breath
REIKI: Spiritual Energy, True Nature, Soul Essence, Universal Life Force, Divine Consciousness, Mysterious Breath
There are many other translations and ways of interpreting the Japanese word and kanji for Reiki; these mentioned are a few of my favorites.
If we step back and look at Reiki as translated: Divine Consciousness, Universal Life Force, Soul Essence, we can start to get a more expansive picture of the potential within this path. Reiki cannot be defined or boxed in; it is also not something that someone can ‘give’ or 'take' - we are all Reiki beings, inherently.
The aim of a Reiki practitioner is not to DO Reiki,
but to BE Reiki.
We learn the SYSTEM of Reiki to continue deeper on our PATH of Reiki.
When we practice the tools taught in the system of Reiki, we can uncover our true nature.
The System of Reiki -
This healing system was created by Japanese lay Buddhist monk and martial arts practitioner Sensei Mikao Usui around the year 1922 (it’s likely he began practicing and teaching many years before then). Click here to learn more about the history of Reiki.
These teachings are closely related to ancient practices within Japanese Shinto and Buddhist spiritual traditions, and were initially taught as a disciplined path for humble students on the quest for enlightenment.
There are 3 education levels within the system of Reiki:
Shoden - first/beginner teachings
Okuden - inner teachings (symbols + mantras are introduced)
Shinpiden - mystery teachings (practitioner is given the blessing to initiate others into the lineage)
Shoden translates to ‘first teachings’ and is primarily focused on connecting to the essence of Reiki and introducing meditation practices that help us remember our great bright light, our true nature.
When we remember our light, we can come into an open space that invites healing. When we connect to our light - we are mirrors to others, who become inspired to heal, too.
We are not healing others. We are creating a safe, sacred space for healing to occur.
We are not ‘doing’ Reiki; we are Reiki.
There are 5 Roots within the system of Reiki - My teacher shared these with me as 5 Pillars; some teachers say 5 Elements - I like to imagine that these are the roots of the System of Reiki.
Each root allows us to ground further into our being - our Reiki. As we continue following and nurturing each root with the waters of disciplined practice, the roots grow, strengthen, and allow us to become deeply centered in our true nature.
The 5 Roots of the system of Reiki -
5 Roots of The System of Reiki:
gokai - precepts
kokyu ho - breathing / meditation techniques
tenohira - palm healing
shirushi & jumon - symbols & mantras
reiju - attunements
Tenohira is one of the 5 roots of the system of Reiki - Tenohira translates to palm healing, and is the act of supporting Ki (energy) to emanate from the palms of the hands for healing purposes.
Palm healing was initially taught using five head positions, and then the practitioner would intuitively place hands elsewhere on the body.
If Ki is all around, in every single thing we see, touch, feel, experience - then we don’t have to try, or “do” anything. We actually need to do the opposite - nothing. We need to empty our minds and come into a state of openness. Allowing the Reiki to flow through us as a channel.
When we perform tenohira - palm healing on others as an act of meditation, the practice becomes one of realizing the true self. In this state, we realize that there is no separation between the person helping and the person being helped - we are in a state of non-duality and love.
The client’s wisdom guides the session, the client’s Reiki (soul essence, true nature, inner light) heals themselves, the client is always, always seen as whole.
There is nothing wrong or missing, in fact the opposite. In a tenohira session, the client and the practitioner both have the opportunity to rest in a still place of pure, unconditional, love.
As a practitioner, I have the gift of witnessing this being as their true nature- absolutely stunning, truly brilliant. This witnessing acts as a mirror, for the client to see/feel themselves in their brilliance, as well. This brilliance, this light, this ki swirls through the body, mind, and spirit, soothing aches and pains, easing a worried mind, inviting a breath of clarity in a fog of self doubt.
As a practitioner I am creating safe, open space for healing to manifest. I am not healing anyone, I am not giving them anything they do not already have. I am witnessing their soul’s light, with profound gratitude.
This practice translates to all areas of life. To step back and compassionately witness what lies before you. This is why we sometimes call it the “way” of Reiki... it’s a path to live by
“Your client is like a river of energy and you are a leaf. Just let the leaf fall into the river of energy, which then takes the leaf here and there. The leaf sometimes lingers, sometimes swirls, and sometimes moves quickly. It doesn’t judge whether one movement is better than another; it is simply one with the river of energy.” - Frans Stein
Reiki as a system is so much more than tenohira. Yes, that is a significant piece of this path. However, someone could be completely devoted to the way of Reiki and never offer hands-on healing to clients. Many practitioners choose to do palm healing on themselves, their pets, or close friends and family.
Reiki is not something that can be defined or boxed in, and it is also not something that someone can ‘give,’ we are all Reiki beings.
Reiki as a concept: spiritual essence, true nature, soul energy - is a birthright. We are all Reiki, whether a teacher gives us a blessing or not. However, to practice the System of Reiki, offering Tenohira to clients, and calling oneself a Reiki Practitioner, one must be properly initiated into the lineage. This student / teacher exchange pays respect to the teachers and students who came before, and is a very special experience for both parties.
Within Shoden, Reiki level 1 - the student will learn about the history of the system of Reiki, and experience the 5 roots of Reiki, which encompass the necessary tools and practices that one needs to embark on the healing path of a Reiki practitioner. After receiving the teachings, tools, and reiju (attunements) the student is now ready to humbly walk the path.
click here to learn more about upcoming Shoden (Reiki 1) certification trainings